Saturday, March 31, 2007

Lil' Miss Odd Ginny rears Miss Anthropic
Troll is a big fan of p.z. meyers blog,
because trolls like me live in the dirt, and we like it there, because we came from a union of father universe and mother everything else that she can put her name on first, and I found this other cool blog that is linked to it called, which is currently having a ragin' debate about homeschooling. There are a whole bunch of people who were for it, or against it, but also alot of in betweens, and some great side excursions to the main point: is homeschooling cheating kids? Is it cheating the system? Is it a way for parents with strange/different/abusive parenting habits to hide their kids, and their abuse of kids, from society?

There were many posts, and I casually began to become interested in one main point, because it apears that homeschoolers can talk rings around the issue, and talk rings around religion and religions abuse of kids, but never address head on what Greg wanted to know: are these kids likely to be abused, and, if so, if these kids had some form of protection against abusive parenting: none of them could seem to give him a clear answer!

Well, I am troll,according to one of those homeschooling women, a woman who teaches her daughter to label men as "creepy" . And, since I live under a bridge away from society--so who cares what I think? So I weighed in on the debate;-)

It seems that this Mr. Laden has genuine concerns for the public education system, but so many of the homeschool people responded to him in negative ways, at some points accusing him of being a lofty academic, or insinuating that he might be a threat to kids, and at others, he is apparently a godless devil--which of course, strikes deep in the heart of a HEATHEN troll, because even trolls know that it was A MAGIC FART FROM A FEMALE OGRE NAMED JUSTuS JERKuS ,THAT CREATED THE EARTH, so here is how it all began:
There was this post asking:
title="'Permanent" href="" rel="bookmark">Why do science educators seem so edgy all the time?
"Whenever a flame war gets started regarding creationism vs. evolution, one or more creationists will often imply that the evolutionary biologists (or their supporters) seem a little defensive."

Defensive>>key word. The religious whackoes do indeed get defensive, after all, they might one day have to waear a crown of thorns, and float up to heaven--so they don't have time for bullshit. On the other hand, their are so many fanatical offshoots within this movement to conceal kids from the purview of social forces that it is almost impossible to identify them all. Primarily, there are two kinds: religious/paternalist, and Gaian-pagan/ maternalist.

Well, it seems Tollll incurred the wrath of a few of the latter category, because as soon as I entered the debate, it was as if the room cleared for a moment, and then--the barrage began! Feminino acidic fumes filled the air and it wasn't long before Trolll was accused of 1) being a "creep" 2) being a cyberstalker-for participating in public blogs! 3)trollll was accused of having a split personality!
And many other such demeaning traits were attributed to troll, only because troll had taken the risk to profer alternative explanations for why the Feminist movement of the last decade and its doctrine was as bad as any child abusing priest or other religious dysfunctional.

There are lots of other posters who had good stuff to say about Ladens topic, and evolution in general--like this senible teacher named "Ms. S" who uses her mind to instruct masses of kids in public schools. When asked by a parent art an open house about evolution, she said she will "teach it as a cornerstone of modern biology," and the parent then" laughed and said that there is no such thing as evidence of evolution."

Wonderful, strange images emerge in the minds eye at this blog: "the Virgin Birth and Resurrection are obviously bizarre falsehoods " right alongside of the very definition of what must be hell--"sheeted dikes, which are vertical layers of previously molten rock that is compressed between other sheeted dikes, which are then trapped between pillow lavas.." sounds hot, and "Scientists find 3.8 billion year old rocks that were part of the Earth’s early crust on the Isua Greenstone Belt in Greenland."
KEWL, thought troll....

So religion ponders Virgin birth, and heaven and hell and dogma, and the other side ponders science lava,and plate tectonics. at least we know the two basic sides of the blog topic. But then, there are those side issues, and one homeschooling poster who is apparently not doing it for religious reasons said " As long as most Americans are believing Christians, creationism is here to stay: it is actually more rational than the half-way house of Christian evolutionism. " Yikes, lets hope he's not right--trolls ggggggaaarrghh ----hate sunday school.

Well this could probably make the christian whackoes a little defensive too.
But all of this IS the debate, and you can follow it at
Most of all, as the religious whackoes pondered Virgin birth, it appears from one post that was highlighted, that the Gaians ponder virginity from quite another angle;-)

So,the real meat of the debate is Ladens question, and all of those home schoolers were hesitant to fess up or inform on ONE TOPIC...child abusing homeschoolers.

One woman stepped up to the plate, and even though she is a bloody jesus lovin' christian, she acknowledged that "I wouldn’t simply call the creationism being taught abuse, but abuse with a political aim."

Getting close..Nice bit of honesty, especially for a sunday schooler, and even the lefties agreed that teaching dogmatic false crap to kids is a bad idea, and posited "I wonder how many years until the act of teaching such blatantly false and dogmatic views is actually considered child abuse by social workers/the government."

So, troll was mildly amused at this point, and caught up in the drama of it all--jesus did or din't die for your sins, evolution is crap/not crap, kids are or aren't being abused....and then this post:

jj ross, Ed.D. Mar 26th, 2007 at 7:53 pm

"If I could just ask for you marvelous, much appreciated rational thinkers to distinguish CLEARLY and RATIONALLY in your own minds between creationist wackos who also choose to homeschool as a weapon of indoctrination, and all of us home educators, who surely shouldn’t be blamed any more than public schooling should be blamed, for the extreme of individuals within them — surely we have evidence that it isn’t the *method* to which you object but the material and the motivation for inserting it in any child’s education, anywhere?

" Favorite Daughter Peels Off Virgin Label”

So trollll sensed that very topic that Laden was talking about, and troll followed the link, which took troll here:

So I read the story,as a mildly amused layperson might, and after reading the story I realized two things: one) we wonder about kids being abused,especially in context to traditional religion, but see no irony in a young woman being so focused on her vagina ,with full maternal instigation of said focus, and two) we wonder why this form of male bashing explicated in the piece referenced continues so rampantly, amongst older women who teach it to their 'favorite'daughters....hmmm...troll wonders also about 'favoritizing' children....

Troll wondered too at the articles main thesis, which is that men are perverts and probably abusive,secretly covetous of their daughters, or other vaginas, which is a favorite feminist accusation, one that gives them the upper hand in divorces, epic custody battles and other trifling social matters that built the police state-- so troll responded with a comment in response to one poster who said men are icky
(which they were in that article to a very minor degree--minor when compared to a women who teach their daughters too much focus on their vaginas;-)

But also troll wondered what exactly promotes this constant imagery of men as perverts? Is it male desperation to agree with such CRAP in order to avoid these same women calling them perverts, or is it female cuckoldry at the highest level to have a society that does the cuckolding for you in advance? Either way, no fellahs were commenting on that public blog, so boy troll did, for trolls are not the ones to be cuckolded, and prefer our rutting heirarchy the way it is. Neither are trolls even nearly one iota close to being obsessed with virginity, or vaginas, as American feministicized yaks, or homeschooling Gaian feminist mothers and pundits, so boy troll wrote:

"Yeah, indeed it is icky to the core--indoctrination of any kind is that--if you come to it with the premise that men are icky, as distinguished from what many girls and women are taught are 'normal' maternal behaviors. Any body heard this expressin lately in regards to mothers going on outings with kids? " we have a play date..." A date? A kid?That is yucky...but goes uncontested even as some of you women out there hear it, or say it.I mean, if I never hear another girl tell me about how her mother managed to somehow "just be there" when she was masturbating in the tub at 5 years old, or how her mother was a 'nurse, so I din't mind showing her my vagina' from age 0 to 30 or so?? Or how the girls from overseas ask me "what is it with American women? Every movie you watch has mothers kissing and sleeping with their daughters..."

Then there's things like the Vagina Monologues which overtly condones women having oral sex with girls....I mean, is there ever a time where we stop bashing men, and actually analyze female predilections, and behavior? Creepy is a two way street. Sure, I love the 'liberated sluts' of the world, but one thing I have learned is that the girls who are freakiest in the head, are also freaky in the bed--lot's of fun, until I lislen to their stories, and more often than not, their stories are chock full of maternal incest, or invasive motherhood that fails to draw adult boundaries with children--a type of American motherhood that criminalizes males who act in similar ways.

Women are the primary sexual indoctrinators,they are just more crafty about it-- just ask your own head, and your own experience. The main difference is that women at large, employing the feminist mantra of the eighties " we must own the sex supply" as if it is property--and definitely as if it is a commodity.So, women did do that, and Do that, in so many ways that it is impossible to begin to enumerate them all.At least the guys here are not actively pimping or molesting their daughters as many mothers do, though if you infer mal-intent on men at large ( I am referencing the old street adage " no girl ever hit the street [whoring] before she was put there by her mother.)

If power imbalance exists, or ideology and indoctrination, it certainly can be found in the current rhetoric of feminists commodifying/fantasizing about their childrens, and particularly their daughters sexuality.Ever heard the phrase "mommies little man"?" "Mommies favorite" is a close handle too.Imagine what the other kids feel like hearing that? I have almost universally found that any woman who I was ever with had been invaded physically, or intimately, by her mother,in the disguise of parenting, or 'nurturing' and thus I ask the same as you do, but from another perspective "what's virginity anyways?", and then: why do YOU continue to draw the line with a penis' edge? "

Well, needless to say, this post got quite a response from the blog author. Not only does the idea that there exist women here in the real world who actually tell trolll the stories of their youth,rather than tell another woman who inevitably calls it 'maternal bonding' ,or some other pap, but also and equally horrific, is that these women who have told me of their mothers seldom tell a therapist about maternal invasiveness because it is societies last taboo--talking about female perpetrated sexual abuse of children. Many prostitutes in recovery, former and current drug addicts, etc, all have a version of these type of stories, but therapists are very dismisive of them in general, or unaware of them at large, because of the constant male bashing chorus that exists out there--playing the same dull thudding bells of "icky men" that they always have, and do now.

Well, that blogger was indignant, and indeed could not fathom my response to her post, because the whole gaggle of her readers just loves male bashing, and equally loves stories about young womens sexuality--almost as much as they project, and posit that the guys they were doggin' out do, and quasi accusing of being perverts,but, like, in reverse! So troll sensed the double standard, and reflected on bonobos....

At first, my comments were published and then, censored, and here is what the blogger said about the post--as if troll needs to trot out his phd to make my opinion valid!

"I just “unapproved” an unwelcome comment from a stranger, a sort of diffuse rant about women as the true source of everything creepy. Nance can approve it if she wants, or else the ranter stranger can write us and try to explain why these peculiar personal issues with women should be welcome here, and see if we can be persuaded. Otherwise, no way and no thanks..."

But that was only the beginning of the issue of defensiveness, and projections upon me, troll, who should not have to qualify myself for anyone--as if my opinion, especially my 'male' opinion in response to more male bashing--needs female sanctioning.

Another poster there said this about my post "No, I didn’t want to read it the first time, let alone approve it now."...she stood bold, and different for just a cyber second, and then,then shortly thereafter, deleted my post! troll was not happy, and so he left the debate for um...a day. And then, later, reading the Laden blog, I noticed this sick bit of projection in said bloggers questions to Laden, paraphrasing him:

"Greg:“I am referring specifically to such things as teaching creationism, sexual abuse, and child labor. That sort of thing. . .”
Loaded as that set-up is, I think you could sell it to parents and the public, IF you really mean to go after the worst-case purveyors of such evil wherever the evidence shows it to be —
Maybe start with the Vatican and its worldwide influence FIRST, close down all its parochial schools and most of the churches if the priests have authority over boys; clean out the polygamist cults and sweat shops everywhere, child porn rings online, cocoa-picking kidnapped labor camps, etc — oh, and shut down every school in which children have been abused by authority and peers, then close ALL preschools and day cares, because in Florida at least, most abused kids are too young for either school or homeschool. . . hmmm, how to protect them then? A constitutional amendment banishing all stepfathers from all homes would statistically promise more protection against child abuse than ending home education, think that would fly? "

And being a troll,AND A MAN, AND A FATHER, I sensed defensiveness--the same kind of defensiveness that Laden was talkin' about! Banning stepfathers? What a convenient stereotype that is---skirt the issue by blaming men!! It must have been some guy who made the girl hyperfocused on her sexuality...

TROLL had identified the nature of the beast: the post feminist "bash men, in order to avoid being seen for what you are, hide from society movement!!The "it came out of me so I can do whatever I want with IT" movement of mothers that indoctrinate children in different ways than the Christians...ways that are just as bad, but more pagan...or shall I say, primal?

Then, reluctanly, trolll realized what troll ald
ready knew: if you call it the way you see it( CRAP) you will be labeled;-( This post woke me up fast, because the yaks had begun yakking, and apparently had affected Mr. Ladens thought processes, turning open minded spirited debate into something akin to life or death matters, inferring that speech on feminist forbidden topics is akin to death threats!
10,000 birds: A tale of misogyny:

"It seems that Kathy Sierra, prominent tech blogger, co-creator of the Head First computer books and founder of the JavaRanch programmer site, has placed her blog on what may be permenant hiatus. She’s also afraid to leave her home. The reason is a barrage of vile, sexist threats...."
You can read more of that here:

So I retire tonight, and continue this saga tomorrow. Nighty nite, and don't let the witches bite, cuz when they do ,it means you will be digested in a mouth full of lies and other mush and pap--lots of pap--or maybe it means they are hungry for, um, something....but damned if I know what;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What kind of mind produces such hateful anti woman sentiments??!
You should be locked up.