Sunday, April 1, 2007

Employing Mel Gibsons filmic technique of constant driven fearfulness to make a point.

Lately on a number of blogs I have been following their is a trend to interpret posts as "attacks", and critiques as "attacks", and words as "attacks", and the accusation of an "attack" is almost always directed at people who disagree with a point they make, or at any attempts to think outside the box, and then those who feel disagreed with go on the ATTACK: ATTACK, open debate be damned;-)

Often, jokes, fun comments, or any attempt to encourage "outside the box thinking" are then met with accusations of "attacks" from public blog writers, who use phrases that are very, well,**tack-tless...Here are some cases in point:

'White people' who fear attacks from "others" sign pledges so they will look like GOOD white people primarily these pledgers are middle class white women who are maried to mindless academics or tech geeks, and/or who are interested in inter racial dating, cross cultural liasons,or in giving sympathy to ' people of color'...the new racists wear the pledge of antiracism, and pledge to eradicate those who do not accept the furthering of race constructs;-)

Is it just me, or does the phrase "people of color" sound alot like "colored people"? I mean, that term is so....lunch counter,1962, and another construct of the racists. The new racists. Sure, "the white people created race and racism"...yeah, that elusive white man: I picture the Vikings, or better yet, the Laplanders, sitting around in their reindeer skin huts, cooking up the idea of "white man" when the Mongolians,or the Huns, or the Aryans( those 'other' aryans) sweep in, and slaughter them. Or better yet, the Innuit, sitting around in Igloos sometime in the last Ice age, and the Ainu roll up in their skin boats and steal their seal meat....I am also getting a glimmer of the image of the Chinese "working dilligently" to disprove the out of Africa theory of modern humans...

Fear drives us to fear an ATTACK, so we cleverly go on the Counter attack, FIRST, (ala GW's "proactive attack in defense of" America;-) )and in doing it First, we create the terminology and the rhetoric for others to follow, and, if they don't follow it, they must be "racists" or whatever other boobeyman we are attempting to create. So are we all in it together, like it or not--One of "US" or one of "Them"? is, Hitler, 1923.

Propaganda is a good means of attacking others. The internet is full of people who feel ilke they are under attack, so they attack first, or claim their attack is really self defense, but really, they are offensive. IF YOU RESPOND TO THEM IN THEIR OWN DIALECTIC, THEY ARE SHOCKED, OUTRAGED, INDIGNANT!

And: they accuse you, or parody you , parrot you as the cause for the worlds suffering; take your words completely out of context, and parade them around their hate friendly blogs.

I wonder what Eldridge Cleaver would think about all of this? So, in the spirit of E. Cleaver, I parody myself.

>>Some guy calling himself the "mensch" has been lambasted for disagreeing with the general trend in leftist film critique, and leftists in general, to label Mel Gibsons film "Apocalypto", as an ATTACK on Maynan people. IN response to what was perceived as an ATTACK by Mel when he produced his film, some professor candidate ATTACKED Mel, and then went to the press claiming she was the victim of an ATTACK. Wow...I am feeling attacked myself right now, just repeating that word!!

ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK....yikes: someone please filet me, mongolian style, peel my skin like an early sand colored christian, I can't handle this feeling any longer ( justy like Mels film)....

So you can see the video of this woman who was "attacked" on this site, Cynical Anti-Orientalist: Mel Does It Again!

and if you just overlook the fact that this woman who claimed she was ATTACKED, but was merely removed from the dialogue that she was interupting by security agents after she ATL-acked Mel, then, sure, judge for yourself how to define an AtL AtL-ATTACK.

Cynical Anti-Orientalist: Mel Does It Again!

Here is a good example of some of that kind of subtle fomenting of racial anger that goes on in leftist circles that has taken a surprisingly racial stance toward what and who is "white".

Apparently, this African American woman who has been hurt somewhere along the line, or all along it, by racism ( hopefully not just her own). So, as a response, she is disseminating a pamphlet that is an equivalent to the Protocols of Zion, called "The Willie Lynch" pamphlet--a horror story recounting racial oppression, but instead of getting facts,she uses the fiction of this debunked historical fraud of a pamphlet, and effectively, with help from inter-racist friends, accuses all 'white' people by default of being rapists murderers,and slave owners. It makes me long for the fortitude of Robert Williams, who wasn't at all a whiner, and who was a man who had actual lived experience of how racism affected him to talk about. He was a pretty righteous propagandist too:

And because I presume by the use of anti-white Farrakhanian propaganda, her methods include not only willingness to access all the tools of racist power, but a willingness to use them, so here is a primer on Hatshepsut, African, and Egyptian "slave breaker:, and slaveowner.:

Here are a couple of them:

Apparently, white people are on the attack everywhere. The white people who are not black that is. I mean after all, the new white is black. And then asian\ whatever , when you follow the logic through to its conclusion ,and whatever those new-racist[neoracist] constructs are supposed to mean today.

And then, some white people are so afraid of being attacked that they have proactively "counter-attacked" with more pieces of paper for the indigenous people, and also white people who are shitting bricks, and fearing ATTACKS, need to sign to promise that they are not on the ATTACK, like the bad white people( heads up to my friend Gee, "one of the Good Hmong people";-) ). This pledge just might be just the thing that will save them from the new racists at their Stalinesque trial.

I can see it now "You stand accused of being white, a bad kind of white, not the good kind of white( the maternalistic, cajoling, apologetic and verbally appropriate, as designated by a body of 'other' non white sanctimonious humdrumms). Have or have you not taken the Pledge?!"
and then they rope you up and throw you off a bridge for not signing.
Here is the pledge, sign before it is too late!And remember " always be careful of two things1) a white person with a piece of paper they ask you to sign, and 2) white people with a piece of paper that you signed"
OOOPPSSS>>>: UPDATE: That post, and the PLEDGE has been removed!

But I still think they could all just do themselves a favor and get back in touch with their vaginas--their ORIGAMI vaginas, the kind that don't produce such mean hearted, fearful children. Origami vagina can be found here, under the link heading "Origami Porno":


This could be a useful tool to sway these hateful children into more productive uses for their time, Cuz appartently the vaginas they got now are a just a mess! Imagine if everyone had their own vagina, then, maybe we could all bitch about stuff from the safety of the Red Tent, and no one but us would tell us to SHUT UP already....Fearfull, mean spirited, self commoditi-ifying, and worst of all, pushing out more like them every day......I send praise to the loving wife, and the mother of Robert Williams, who had s/th REAL to say.

Now, I will go foment racial strife around the world with selected, and selective, tidbits of debunked 'history', by cranking up my rusty cyber xerox,and leave racist pamphlets all over the place.

But, just in case you missed these racist rants, get them soon, and educate the masses for more hate:
Just in case your local Creationist cult isn't producing enough pabulum for you or your kids, try this piece of evil, contrived, anti-semitic racist crap--better yet, find the folks disseminating it, and ...well you get the picture :

Or this racist screed about evil white people ( they all look alike, and are the same no matter what they say....ahem), murderers, racists.... called the Willy Lynch Pamhplet..... Oh, yeah, see the link above.

In the meantime, look at what America's exclusive lock down on the term Race and racism has done to history, and the rest of the worlds view:

If of course you buy into the theory( recently debunked) of one and only one "land bridge", which brought "indians" here. Oh, yeah, and what about that Christopher Colom?.

Got another racist, sexist, homophobic, male bashing, anti-white male, etc, lie to perpetuate in cyberspace? Send me a link, and I will help you, because, gee whizz, there's never enough hate around is there? YIKES!!
Yes, this shit still exists, and even tho I am mad as hell about it, doing as they do will not stop them:

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