Monday, April 2, 2007

I am a troll-Stop looking at me I am NOT pretty. Inter racial...err..species, dating...

While surfing through this site bloc>>
10th Erase Racism Carnival is right here! at Racialicious - the intersection of race and pop culture

or, here:

I found some interesting stuff, lots of angry reactionary stuff about racism and the effects of color, race, gender, etc, in America, and in particular, I found the author of this blog to be an intriguing risk taker, whose material is startlingly evolved, yet kind of , well, sometimes backward in logic, and many of her posters well, kind of racist. I found very little about social class, and the effects of it, unless it was couched in a "people of color only" dialogue.

For instance, here is an interesting take on mixed race people, and how apparently they are "eroticized".

Eroticized is the current academic speak( maybe in the future we can just call such speech Ack-eek) for projecting ones sexual feelings onto others, to see how the projection plays in society at large. In other words, there are those who see something as erotic, and then blame others for eroticizing same things, much like those who perceive of obscenity then project their own feelings of what is obscene on others, and then penalize them.

Well, once you watch this video, you will might see why I find it to be less than credible, coming from two totally hot "mixed race" babes who make their living saying that they are campaigning against the stereotype of being seen as attractive mix race babes....yikes!! Another feminist cuntondrum! Now: carefully notice that I do not personally ascribe to the theory of "babes as posited. I merely noted that they are babes, in the classic sense of babery: hai! > assertiveness training; show brains when talking, BUT >> large feminine focus on looks as a means of being judged/ not judged, all of those other 'popular girl' techniques of menstrualizing, and setting political agendas for the unwashed to follow, if they want to stay near said babes,etc...still evolving.

It just rings hollow to me. Then they discuss the other "stereotype"that when a hypothetical someone sees a 'mixed race couple' walking down the street together, 'the assumption' ( whose I wonder?) is that those people are 'sexy mixed race people'...I want to see the study: what kind of think tank thought that up?

.....In other words, it is somewhat acceptable to eroticize people if you are one of a "them" but if you are one of an "us" or one of the unwanted "thems" all gets contfusing in the fem dialogue, and especially if you are a "white guy", look out; you must be a racist for looking, but if you are an 'othered other' you can look, and project your internalized erotic onto bad people, so that you don't have to, or something.You can look twice apparently, if you are 'mixed race'....hey raise your hand if you ARE NOT mixed race....*no hands go up*

Troll must go under rock for a minute.....

OK, I am back. This is a quote~~paraphrase from the video on this site of Mz. Van Kerckhove explaining that she is not attractive...ahem.

" A common stereotype of mixed race people is that they are all attractive"....ahem. Classic disinformation tactic: in the clever disguise of 'Judge for yourself,' but it is interesting that such a company website would be promoting theoretical anti racism, yet so blatantly promoting lookism....the very core of racism--and profiting from it! It all reminds me of strippers unionizing in the not-too-way back era, and complaining they weren't being taken seriously.

So, in other news, I sure do wish I would have punched that stupid 'white guy' in the face when he passed by me and my "not mixed race" Han Chinese girlfriend as we walked on the sidewalk of a major metropolis not too long ago, and he leaned in and said " You ever pop the bean on that slant?"

It took me a minute to actually remember that those terms 'bean'~~vagina, 'slant'~~asian--were racist crap, and ideology straight out of the 1970's. I could probably forgive him for the racist crap, but remote phrases and ideology from the 70's?!!!?? That is even worse..I...I should have punched him once on principle, twice just because, and three times for the fact that women from China ( actually FROM there) are not half the race baked idiots that these new American "white women schooled" neoracists who are trying so hard to own, and profit from, the race debates.

And, by the fourth imagined punch to that guys yap, I was fortunate to have a non-American woman beside me who learned early in life, in a country that had real hardships like getting food every day,taking buses loaded with diseased chickens on them just to get to work-- that weighing in on other peoples negative issues can get everyones feelings hurt, and maybe even some jail time--so, as she was pulling me away she was saying " they are not your are with me right now...those kind of people don't matter "

Then, the conoundrum: how did I almost get into that potential debacle? Who trained me to be a near knee jerk reactionary when it comes to race? Much later, I actually remembered the look on that drunken guys face,wide eyed, slobbering, raised and stressed brows inferring anger and fear-- and I realized how desperately far out of the loop he is, and how hopelessly out of touch he might be because of this type of neoracist rhetoric, the stuff that fills the airwaves, and Oprifies discussions; that discussion that posits him--him and his 40,000 dollars a year worth of white priviledge, as the cause of every bodacious political lie ever told....Sure, he is an obvious idiot, makes himself a target, but these new folks?? YIKES, sayeth troll....I smell a beer hall putsch...from those e-putz's....

Any thoughts on multi ethnic LOOKISM out there anyone? How about thoughts on people who turn a hefty profit from it? Also, see my post about child abusing mothers: In the future I promise you some material on maternal 'spoiling' of 'good looking' children, and the negative effects of that.

For now, just a story about neo-women who take it too far in the "lack of boundaries" department with kids, and raise such indignant feelin' minds:

and how some of those kids grow up to be Tyra Banks, who is also an empowered African American female, and the product of a "single mom" , who is recently promoting the "murdered woman" look:,0,698280.photogallery?coll=zap-photogalleries

And a good thread from a thankfully not too American propaganda perspective about lookism:


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