Sunday, April 1, 2007

Female sexual practices and maternal sexual abuse of children

"The feminist curriculum has pioneered a moralist universalism versus a selection of these issues. Yet it appears that contemporary globalist categorisations of abuse lack a well-documented analysis of practices traditionally encountered worldwide. It is therefore unable to address practices found historically and (more urgently) contemporarily"

This is a great quote from a very useful journal that covers issues of maternal sexual abuse, often in the disguise of normalized parenting, and its related socio cultural acceptance worlwide.

Main page of this great journal that discusses female sexual abuse of children worldwide:

I post this as an aid to anyone who has been abused by women and especially as an aid to anyone who is involved in the feminist rhetoric, and discovered a stunning silence, or even hostility to discussing this issue. I recently posted to a few blogs about the topic of virginity, homeschooling, religious practices/rituals, and male bashing. Here is a handfull of information about fertility rituals, fertility cults, and maternal, matrilocal, matrilineal 'homeschooling' around the world.

I sure got flamed for posting on that one;-) No one likes to hear this stuff: it flies in the face of all of that male bashing stereotyping going on, and gee wizz those ranking matriarchal chimps sure get riled when you even bring the topic up;-)

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