Ol' Massa' Ginny raises her fingers to ask herself a question, and gets the whole internet community alerted to engineered scandal.
Hu-humph! another dialogue gone sour. It is impossible to put in three farthings worth of opinion anywhere in the blogosphere...it is all so used up with meanigless dialogues and half baked opinions, and worst of all, people who ask questions they don't want answers to.
So haz was asked to leave another blog. Oh POOH.
So, out of respect for that bloggers right to remain opinionated and sadly uninformed, the haz left the discussion....but in true haz fashion, haz left some thoughts behind, like dust behind the Tasmanian devil;-)
he debate out there is about a female blogger who is getting an incredible amount of free press due to her accusation that another blogger, or several, have given her death threats. I will not yet give the issue precious trollll space, because the academic liberals, the hate speech profiteers, and others are already doing that. Haz has no opinion YET, pending an actual official charge of some kind by the proper authorities, rather than by said blogger.
Haz responded to a post that asked " have you ever experienced misogyny in the blogosphere" to which haz replied, ' no, but it is an easy accusation for others who other you to make against you when they don't like your opinion', and so forth. ( will post those initial comments later, but for now ferast your eyes on the other side of misogyny;-)
The site is really keeewl as well, which made Haz kind of sad, because it is a site about birds, and Trolls wholly devour birds out here in the forest as snack foods, but carefully leave the song birds alone so that the ecofeminist and Gaian cat lovers of the world can feed then to their cats.
I had then posted :
Yikes, Mike: I refer to earlier comment "and the men that they drag in to fight their battles".... because Haz, an egalitarian, was duped into not knowing the gender of the author, partrially because I have ptosis in my left eye, but also because of the smoke from the last forty years of mel bashing feminism filling the outer layer of the nictitating membrane of my hazmatitical eyes.
So I worote this:
I apologize for mistaking your identity. It is more and more possible to do that in cyberspace then it used to be, because the male bashing propaganda press, then, was 99% female owned and operated, matrilocal from Berkeley, or Boston College and their surrounding intellectual breeding grounds. Now it is primarily institutionalized thanks to the ilks of Catherine MacKinnon, et al., and again I refer you to the war in Iraq, and all of those single mother raised young men;-)
Oh, yeah, back then, a few guys generated that pabulum as well: the guys who were/are attached to the male bashers, and/or the guys trying to get attached to them;-) So I didn't expect a gendered author issue here,and was responding to you as a poster. I stand on what I said earlier-which is that misogyny is a female generated issue, and is everywhere:
Yahoo Hit counter sayyyyyysss:
"misandry in cyberspace" 127 hits
"misogyny in cyberspace" 24,400 hits
and the squeeky lil phrase :
misanthropy in cyberspace generates 1,050
So, I am doing with the word 'misanthropy' what was done to so many words in the not so distant past: I am owning it, and morphing it into a broader meaning of hatred of men. I fear the general public is not ready for an actual discussion of misandry.
I think you might have missed my point, or not actually read my post: how can you disagree with me "completely"? I mean, you are aware indeed that matrilocal/matrilineal societies crank out men who they train to do more warring than any other form of society, right? That is a fact of all human species. I mean, you watch birds right? What do those cranky little fellers do in the nests of others?
Well, egalitarian is a great thought isn't it? How does it work for you in practice? Or, may I ask "who defined that term for you?" What was her name;-)
Well, where oh where did you get the idea that hazmatixezs
MO is to insert RANDOM opposition to dialogues? Random is hardly in the MO of the wearer of a HazMat suit. Can I presume that some one else out there in the matrilocal environment has influenced that opinion for you as well? Not that I want to be rude and presume, tho.
But an alarming trend recently, hazmatix has been demonized by people with weak intellectual constitutions, and even worse definitions of misogyny. Oh, yeah, and also hated by quite a few male bashers;-) BUT, on the brighter side, the Haz has opened up some interesting new dialogues;-) Over at Greg Ladens blog, a few 'homeschoolers' were being incredibly evasive, and defensive about discussing abuse, and particularly defensive about sexual abuse in the homeschool environment, until haz weighed in. Especially some from the more matriarchal schools of thought, ala" I want to raise my kid in a matriarchy. Matriarchy doesn't exist. So, I will create it, and use my kid as a sketchpad for it.";-) I merely refered them to bonobos, and several studies about maternal abuse of infants as a resource.
Then like thunder, the skies opened up, and statistics and anectdotes were flying;-)The down side is that haz was labeled as a troll.........
Which I am;-)
The other downside was that some yak took my words out of context,and began some talk, and then the slightest inference that Sierras really sad plight is somehow linked to the comments of haz, or others like me who find male bashing repugnant, and respond to it....yak, and some fellow members of the herd then labeled me massaginist, which I highly resent, because I have never, ever given one bad backrub !!
Which led me to your site, and if all of that is random, I accept the plea.
But I just call bullshit "bullshit" when I see it. And I especially like to address the issue of male bashing wear-ever I need to suit up. As I stated earlier, the case of Sierra is one that deserves attention, but all of these others talking about it? Yikes, the web is FULL of that already.
The saddest fact, is that the men who could,and the women they are/should be attached to, could righteously complain about misandry, generate,or join in the dialogue about it . But they don't.
Even more unfortunately, the guys who could best take on misandry, which really leads to misanthropic world views,are often dead soldiers, prisoners, homeless vets, or just Joe 9 to 5, with no time, or resources to speak up about it--you know, the guys who listen to Rush and wear their hats backwards on the drive home from work as their last most remote vestige of rebellion to a society that internalizes hatred of males so deeply that women are allowed to 'own' the dialogue, and then teach it to , well, you, and any of so many other categories of men that go overlooked, until they are labeled, or assaulted in the game of words.
So, yeah, I applaud you--kind of, for taking the issue on, but really, yeah, just kind of. But I am no longer mystified as to why protests of male bashing are instantly labeled as "misogyny" by so many folks.
The blogger asked me to leave the post, because I was not on his topic, misogyny, which I feel is soooo overplayed for commercial gain these days that it is hard to separate "good clean fun from death threats" and engineered scandals....more on thatlater..
most importantlyI will respect your wishes indeed, and I did ask you some questions about your thoughts on this and other topics already in my earlier posts. If you can reply, I am at hazmatix@ the address that you have for me already on file( I presume these posts contain that).
I am prefacing this with the idea that you don't appreciate my inference that hate is hate, or that misogyny is related to misandry,and so I will stay on your topic here in my comments, re: misogyny, and possible causes, and solutions for said misogyny. I didn't see that you are actually asking me to leave the discussion entirely, only that you felt I was hijacking the thread, so I will stick to the issue about misogyny in the blogosphere.
And this will be my last post, with that in mind. Thanks for your sentiments, and I part ways with this dialogue, no censorship of this topic is necessary, as that "link" and the correlation between The Sierra misogyny incident and misandry is valid.
I really liked Sierras bold and uncompromising statement that "I would never be for censoring speech--these people can say all the misogynistic, vile, tasteless things they like--but we must preserve that line where words and images become threats of violence. Freedom of speech--however distasteful and rude the speech may be, is crucial."
An I trust the courts will figure that out if she files a lawsuit, where that line is drawn, and hope that rather than basking in the free publicity that this has generated, an actual charge is filed. I will follow it closely now. But hating is a two way street, and it is internalized whether you internalize misogyny, or misandry--internalized hatred of men and a link to misogyny is clearly evident on the same blog! This particular thread that you have linked to Sierras contains below the post on misogyny, "is your app an ass-kisser?"
It has no less than eight picture portrayals of men as "assholes" " anal retentives" etc, and no less then three images of men that contain the phrase " you can't trust " him,and no less than three of those images portray references to the male rectum, and in this case the rectum of males....( a rectum of males is a measure for anything more than one guy, and less than a platoon of them)
Really, It is terrible when these things happen to nice people, and my heart sincerely goes out to someone who has tolerated such things, but not exclusively because they are women--that would be truly misogynistic. But because the issues are sort of realted to the "you get back what you give out" theory of existence.
My heart goes out to every working stiff who has internalized such imagery of himself so deeply that these kind of images of men--that post had exclusively men portrayed as ass kissers, anal retentives, flaky intellectuals such as "tempermental guy...who is a pain in the ass, but worth it?"
Hmmm.....are these just funny, or something more grand, and if so, it begs the question: what sort of personal politics lead people to such incidents?Are such images just "funny", or some other sort of thing...Sure, these eight steretotypes of male tech geeks can be funny to insiders, if taken in the right context, and not when taken the wrong way. Would you tolerate such a double standard in regards to misogyny and 'humor'? And because that sick'humor' by Locke or whoever she has publicly labeled as responsible for that sick humor/law breaking death threat is more extreme, are they more or less both merely derogeuratory?
I wasn't able to judge for myself, because she pulled the original threats from the site. So I will respect your wishes, and leave this thread and now, and post on my own site, because apparently you feel that contributing to the discussion is hijacking. Seeking input into the issue you asked about, or lively discussion of its definitions or its causation is moot next to expressions of sympathy, or discussions of "blatant bias" as long as those biases don't include male opinions of misogyny, and her children misanthropy or misandry.
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