Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Massa Ginny Gets Mo' Free Press, cuz White Wimins is da Massa


Troll under siege picture courtesy of

There is a trend developing amongst bloggers, and it isn't half as pretty as A face covered with underwear. The trend is Men who are incapable of talking to women, much less doing anything else with them, using domestic violence and death threats as a precursor to larger dialogues with "strrong women" ( etc, all stereotypes). In this disguise, they weigh in to debates about 'misogyny on the internet" rather than adresseing the reasons why( plethora) they can't talk to women otherweise. In general, they contribute largely to why men are perceived so badly in real life.
Most of them are balding tech geeks, biology professors, and other nerds who use the mind instead of the peniole obstruction to access women thriough meaningless dialogues, but mostly, thay are men who aren't pretty, like me, the TROLLLLLL>;-)
Here is a recent debate I was in regarding this trend, and those who put out the bad vibes that incarcerate lower income men instead of child abusing women who create those men.
The debate was some woman on the net who had a twelve year old ot =r some other person send her bad comments on her site:

"A similar thing happened to an older friend of mine. She's been cyber-stalked for several years by an obsessive, relentless sociopath who hasn't found a line he won't cross or a boundary he won't violate. He is resourceful to say the least. He constantly tries to infiltrate her world. All of her friends must be vigilant. He phoned her older kids in their college dorm rooms and her elderly mother at her home. He made veiled threats to her about her mother. He collected pictures of her daughter (a lovely 15 year old who is fighting type 1 diabetes) and posted them on his website, then proceeded to send the girl messages at her MySpace account. My friend nearly went homicial at that point. She deleted her account and stayed away from our 360 blogcircle because she was afraid - afraid of what SHE might do if he tried to contact her daughter again."
Poster goes on to say that "I have my own photoshop fantasy, but it involves nothing more lurid than a snapshot of creepystalker and some text listing his name and address and describing his various crimes. Oh, and a copier. And a ream of paper. And pushpins and masking tape. And a few hours of my time posting these things all over his hometown."
Soo, more fire is good at fighting fire, more violence begets more violence, but a better kind of violence? Yeah, like the prison growth industry of America.

There's a lot more, but you get the idea.So troll weighed in and gave his thirty three fart things worth of opinion...trolls actual opinion until proven otherwise, and some person--could be male, could be female--actually gets charged with a crime, until proven guilty....

"Sierra engineered the whole 'scandal', and it is proving to be really really great for her hit counter.
Most people miss the fact that she accused multiple males of multiple false things, slandering them, and gaining great PR for her site, and still no one is blogging about the innocence of those men, just like no one is blogging about the innocence of the men accused of rape at Duke.
I might add that those men all faced charges of imprisonment for 30+ years. That is a REAL injustice, not an imagined one, or a possible one.
Evidently no one noticed the male bashing that Sierra has posted as well.
Hmmm...so that's how we get our site more popular?"

WEll, that sure got the fellahs with the shiny domes and potbelliiiies riled...Some bright minds( bright because of the light streaming through their corneas reflecting off of empty white space inside) like the idea of a "BLOGGER CODE OF ETHICS" which is great in trolls opinion, as long as the American National Socialist Party writes it, or some other fascists...another bright mind said "This is about the most ridiculous topic of discussion that I've ever heard- right up there with the Ann Althouse tirade against a tight sweater."
And of course troll agreed.
Then the terrorists weighed in, in this case Kenneth Mareld:"Death threats are terror. When directed to an individual, the fear and paralysis are overwhelming. "

And then an uninformed suburban racist named Jeff Frecke said "The moment you type "Duke rape case," I know you're whacked out of your mind. You brandish the one time in the last twenty-five years that rich white boys were charged wrongly like it proves a goddamn thing. "
and Caledonian replied"Rich white boys are wrongly charged with stuff all the time. It's just not usually as public as it was that time.

How many of the people who publically castigated those boys are apologizing now, hmmm?" to which troll says yayayayyyy someone out there is alive and concerned that the American justice systems perpetuation of institutionl racism is bad enough already...

And some prison building yak says "Just to make an analogy: a woman (ie. Sierra) is standing outside her burgled house, weeping in shock and fear. The burglars are standing on the other side of the street, smirking." and troll thinks' I bet his money is on prison corporation stock'

AND THEN, this guy pre-empts the TROLLLL!!!! which makes troll mad, really bridgejumping mad, because usually at pharyngula.com, no one pre-empts troll!!

cmf says "Jeffe Frecke, pull your head out of that kotex you are deriving your sustenance from and research it yourself. Men in general are accused and convicted routinely over that sort of thing. Heard of the Innocence Project? Or doesn't your mother let you look at such filth? Now go crawl backin your troll hole( or whatever other hole it is that fills your mind with such pabulum). It happens every day somewhere, but we are not able to compile the stats due to false reporting not being on feminist priority lists.
Nuf said douche;-)

RE: Keneth Mareld:"I have been threatened several times, explicitly. The first three times were based on my Union activities. When I was seventeen Teamster goons threatened me at my workplace (they were trying to organize Los Angeles car dealerships), twice!"

"Yeah, the difference between being on the actual front lines of war and pushing buttons from Washington is akin to this whole engineered Sierra scandal. I have my own bullet wounds I mean, congrats, you sound like an actual freedom fighter, but dude their is no comparison to front lines and Sierra. I mean, for instance, her blog post, the one where she goes offline in fear, has a minimum of 8 male bashing images completely denigrating men two posts down!

Then after she accused multiple innocent males( something that Frecke advocates) who later grovelled for her, and the internet fems who like grovelling chocolate jeezus sucking troll men( like Frecke), no one got hurt, except those men.

Hairhead: I mean, it is this man hating imagery that leads us to a civil rights revoking culture that demonizes men en masse, while holding up the hypotheticals as 'real'
You said "Just to make an analogy: a woman (ie. Sierra) is standing outside her burgled house, weeping in shock and fear. "
It reminds me of the movie "M" from the 1930's that preceded Hitlers pogroms, and what was to follow, because the propaganda posits blah=blah2, and everyone accepts the formula.
I am weeping in shock and fear that the very 'idea' of one woman being threatened can incarcerate 1 to 100( or more?) men on the premise of fear alone, sans actual evidence of a crime!p.s.
since when are differing opinions the opinions of 'trolls'? You elitist wannabe bass turds, labeling people-and using such unoriginal labels to skirt the issue,or diffuse actual dissent!
You Fastshits!
I mean, if blogs were meant to be in crowd only elitist watering holes of safe, scrubbed and sanctified opinions only, what would that say about public blogging and cyberspace? Another god ol' folks club, but this one full of rich[insert favorite neoracist category of identification] boys and girls.
No wonder it was so easy for the Bushies to close the constitution, and justice for all--because something might/could have/ sometimes does happen when people use words that don't fall out of your personal label makers. Yikes.


to which the replies come fast and furious; more fast and more furious than the hands of freshman women under their sheets at Smith College!!!!

And troll ponders.....and notes the guy is almost exactly ideologically where trollll sits on the same issues, but the bastard left no way of contacting him!!
then, the replies:

*Backs away slowly, nodding politely*

Posted by: Jeff Fecke | April 13, 2007 10:46 PM


Ask your doctor to increase your doseage.

Posted by: Graculus | April 13, 2007 10:48 PM

and counter reply!!!
Graculus: I will presume you said that in the spirit of fun? In any case, I think I found your Nurse Ratchet Fan Klub Kard. It was in her locker, underneath your testicles.

"I have very little patience for those who treat any male who says anything that could be construed as critical of a person who happens to be a woman as "presumed guilty until proven guilty" of "misogyny" "

Me either. And I have less patience for people who are quick to label dissenting opinions as"threat level"
Me either. And I have less patience for people who are quick to label dissenting opinions as"threat level"

So you think that having your personal info posted along with graphic violent and sexual threats is a normal part of social interaction.

Perhaps you should have a chat with your mother. Next time she brings your cheet-ohs downstairs for you.

Posted by: Graculus | April 13, 2007 11:22 PM


CMF: I haven't been particularly impressed with your comments either, and if you're actually claiming that what are being responded to are "dissenting opinions" I think refuting or denouncing you would be superfluous.

Graculus: This line of attack is like criticizing Ann Coulter's looks instead of her policy positions.

Posted by: Azkyroth | April 14, 2007 12:20 AM

Wellllthis is certainly opne I must read more on later, but for now, trollll must go get him some woman to eat....with him at dinnertable.....*sounds of troll eating witches cat*
*spitting out yarnball* *azxkkhghhghhxzkkk*

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