Thursday, April 19, 2007

PZ Meyers et al: Thievery is the Sincerest Form of Flattery;-)

Troll recently posted that PZ Meyers would be nominated for a censorship award ( see last post)and also troll has noticed a TON of sour titted yaks trying to create ' blogger codes of conduct, and now gee whizz, look: thievery is the sincerest form of flattery!! Apparently, trolllllls AWARD has inspired a PZ Meyers award!

It is called the " Rectumus Maximus, en spiritu Damneer Killdemus," in light and in honor of the late blog framer Buffalo T Highs, the famous indigenous person known for buffalo jokes. Our sources say that when a high speed blog discussion became too much for the Meyers KKKrew to handle, they started flinging mud, and then out of the blew, came a buffalo, that flew right up their plural arses!
To which one comentating cowboy said " That darn thing rect um!
But it was no mere buffalo, it was ScatMan Meyers bionic blogging censorship buffalo, and to which the wise Indigenous person replied: Rect' um? That blogolo damn near killdem!

Hear ye, Here ye To any and All-- Here Ye here Ye: As per my prediction, PZ MEYERS hath achieved the fatted calve's award in outright blog-buggery! Why, stealing the trolls stolen monikers is NOT OK, for troll steals them in jest, but this is jest too faR!! And then to steal trolls idea for an awards show!!!! Just , downright.....FLATTERING.

WE HERE AT TROLLL PREDICT THAT SOON,the infamous moniker cmf stolen from (we will review our thievery records) will soon make someone not happy when they see their moniker was so disabused of its last notions of decency at PZ MEYERS PHARYNGULA.

Furthermore, I B RavenT-roll sincerely disavow any connection to my bowels, and loose upon you the B.RavenT-roll award of sincere[ Hey go get your own awards show B RavenT-roll!!!] And, who even said I was a girl anyways? We cannot know thy sex, nor thy sexism from behind thine monikers!! Avast ye blog rollers, and stand down ye old attempt at stealing trolls award show glory!
By Notice of the King of late night Comedy,ye be warmed!

Here is Trolls proposed Blogger code of Conduct:
1) Piss Off!
2) delete, delete, delete
3) moderate comments that slip in while troll smokes big fat joint
4) piss the FUCK off!!
5) O.K. Flame me. I LOVE idiotic comments!
6) but piss the fuck off WHEN YOU ARE DONE
7) magic number--not to be despoiled with foolishness about flamers

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