PZ MEYERS Pharyngula BLACKLIST Family Values
Well well well: the lefties sure like to label folks,PZ MEYERS. And they sure can't take a joke PZ MEYERS. That bunch of whackoes PZ MEYERS. I sent them a dose of IPT forensics PZ MEYERS , and boy did that make them mad;-) Apparently on the neoleft,with the PZ MEYERS neoracists, PZ MEYERS neosocialefts, etc, they are all fond of female perpetrated sexual abuse of children, and PZ MEYERS as well. Big framers there, but not in the constitutional way.And PZ MEYERS Trollllll has been blacklisetd;-(
The liberals with the potbellies PZ MEYERS ,the shiny domes, and the bonobo females PZ MEYERS in their love lifes didn't want me at their swingers circle, after all, I am pretty good looking ( see earlier post Stop looking at me!!I am a troll!!). So I made the PZ MEYERS BLACKLIST. WUT UP BLACK? So now PZ MEYERS proves that black is not just a skin shade, and that neoracists can admirt that blackening is a term of social hierarchy;-)
Steadily, more steadily, troll red-defines the terms of battle, and discussion in the western way. PZ Meyers would stop that clock given his disavowal of free speech to some, and his desire to allow others to threaten posters, like lil' trolllllly;-(
If there is such a thing as threats to free speech PZ Meyers, look to the left, and remember the right: sure, the PZ MEYERS Bush voters waged war on open discussion, but on the left? Speak softly, and be prepared to get whacked with a PC stick every time aPZ MEYERS discussion veers from their accepted parameters of male bashing, violent critiquing,You would think they are all feminists or something. Oh, wait, they are;-) Or at least Feminists and those they cuckold PZ MEYERS style. And PZ Meyers just mad eit onto trollllllls first ever PZ MEYERS Cuckolded award show, coming soon;-)
It seems that on PZ's blog, laughing at, threatening, demeaning, and deriding men is part and parcel to the fare, but only if you don't laugh at women, or respond to them when they accuse you of something, like making death threats. Yikes sayeth I.
Over at PZ's they threatened to disembowel me, smack me, and many other things that reek of violence, and even worse, PZ blighted yet another troll moniker!! And in the end, Raven T will always be synonymous with death threat framing and scat. I am posting a pictuyre of PZ Family values, which looks a bit, um...enmeshed?
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